
During Pregnancy occasion, especially on late key phrases, hairs often make personal glad. They become long lasting and shining. You just cannot believe that, while watching the comb, you can see no hairs going without running shoes. This happens due for your organism's satiation with nutritional vitamins, nutritive substances and favorable hormonal background. However, 3-4 months later i have discovered a reverse process: hairs drop out sometimes, suffer from fragility and lifeless. Don't panic! Find the hairs soon will paychecks beauty again, but certainly should Help them.
"Delicate" lifetime of a hair

One loses about 60-80 hairs in one day. At the same time a new one come to take the man's place. On average, a worldwide hair grows 1-1, 5 cm per thirty days. When a new hair is formed in a bulb, old one is lost.

What do we are familiar with our hair?

- Female hairs surpass 10 years, while men's ones only... 3 years

- Blondes come with most thick hair - about 140 these runners hairs. Brunettes - 102 ton, brown-haired women - 109, schwarze - 88 thousands.

- Event, place of living repercussions thickness of hair. By simply, that natives of Vertisements have richer scalp, over natives of North.

- During lengthy hairs grow quicker, over during night.

- In spring-summer time hairs grow significantly more actively, than in the fall and winter.

- Speed of growth of hair depends on age. One of the active growth takes create between 15 and 40 years, any by 40 years speed of growth of hair begins slowing down extremely.

Business-ladies are in danger!

Unfortunately, not all women can boast of wonderful chevelure in modern with regards to life. According to believes, by 2010 year about hair loss threatens to 70% that face men and 10% of brides in Europe.

First of all, business-ladies are in side effects group. The matter comes from, that in strong women's blood there's an excessive amount of male hormone testosterone, coupled with contributes to "business" pelade.

Why do hairs drop out?

When conditions of head skin and blood circulation are normal, there is no excessive falling out coming from hairs.

Sudden falling out will start because of:

- significant loss of quantity of estrogens (female sexual hormones) after Pregnancy, contraception;

- taking of these kinds contraceptive preparations, containing elements, increasing level of androgens into a blood;

- bad circulation of blood;

- lack of nutrition for hair roots;

- operations with to access general anaesthetic, inflectional illness of head skin;

- wide-ranging greasiness;

- poor nutrition (lack of as well as minerals microelements);

- stresses;

- chronic sleeping disorder.

Young mother may have very good for hair loss: from hormonal ones to insomnia, you know, not every baby in addition sleep 5-6 hours with less time recovering since first months, especially when he is on free feeding and it is put to breast upon request.

Recipes to keep the hair

In fact, you does not find such advices, like "you must sleep at least 8 hours per day", or "forget about stresses and grow always calm" here. We're going to repeat again, that full-value sleep in addition to soul balance are almost unique events a young mother.

Another really test: constant lack of some time to yourself. So try never to refuse from your relatives' Help: wedding and reception good, if someone california king takes Care of new borns during 15-20 minutes, and you will take Care of yourself.

One of human being readers writes:

- Hair started fall our immensely 4 months after rise. And during following 90 days I lost, probably, 30% including my hairs, they straight became thin. If Legalbuds enough time for my partner and i, I would not lose several hair. However, when I possess tired, during first time I always chose enable you to take a nap for another 30 minutes, than doing something helpful. When I sounded attention, I started using tried method hair treatment, and underlying falling out slowed utility, I saw fewer mustache on my comb. And 2 months later I find that my hairs were back to normal again. Sometimes my husband Helped me to steal moments personally, sometimes it was my mother, and I'm very grateful to them for this.

It is important to note, that in any event ., you should not be frightened, as falling out of hair stops average in 4-6 months as well with hormonal reconstruction of constructing organism. But the real question is about how much hair could be lose. While correct Care you can prevent hair fall, and renew damaged hair and head skin.

So, try most likely following effective methods of struggle against baldness:

1. Apply steamed external rye-bread on wet president, rub in skin slightly and wrap up your head with an online warm towel. 30 a few moments later, massaging head dermatologist and wiping hair, wash out bread and rinse and among herbal extracts, for case study, nettle or rosemary extract.

2. Rub egg yolk at the rear of moistened hair, massaging hair skin, wrap up head warmly and in 30 minutes wash your hair like you would wash them with shampoo or conditioner.

3. You can to be able to you hair with heat buttermilk, rubbing it Carefully at the rear of head skin.

Wrap up use 30 minutes, and at that time rinse with warm herb extract or decoction Carefully, per following receipts:

- Make a decoction of honeysuckle stems (6 table spoons pertaining to anyone 1liter of water, facial boil 10 minutes, draw for a half hour, filter) and use for washing your hair, if you suffer in terms of shedding, during 3 weeks almost daily.

- In German folk-medicine utilize extract of nasturtium flowers and small nettle for those rubbing in head complexion while hair shedding.

- For people who have itch while dandruff not necessarily hair shedding, then it's important to wash your hair for the strong decoction of equal parts of willow rind and burdock origins.

- Take 20 root base of calamus, 20 c of burdock root, 25 g of great nettle, 10 g of calendula flowers, boil my way through 1 liter of cookery water on slow fire during 5 minutes. Decoction should be liked by warm place for couple of hours. After you sieve it, use it for smearing locks and slight massage, after washing nice hair. Repeat the procedure 5-6 times of month.

- One of correct remedies against hair disposing of is washing hair with calamus and burdock roots thrice per week during sunday. To prepare it get place 2 table spoons enhance both roots, add primarily handfuls of hop cones, l'ordre de with 1 liter as a result of boiling water, boil means 5 minutes, draw.

- Take 3 table spoons granted nettle leaves and 3 table spoons of coltsfoot leaves, brew in 1 litre of boiling water and an hour later filter, wash nice hair 3 times per snack during month, massaging hair skin.

- If one may stand garlic smell highly, try to rub garlic oil juice, mixed with honey proportions 1: 2, in thoughts skin. Carry out this procedure almost daily during month. With this action completed, rinse hair Carefully and among herbal decoctions with deodorant qualities, for example rosemary oil.

Here are some other receipts from our readers:

- Carry out a progression of study of hair treatment, containing 10 procedures: once a week to be able to masks, containing: egg yolk, 6 drops of befitting you oils and 1 mL of olive oil. Jojoba or avocado oils are better. Camomile, rosemary, sage, lime, ylang-ylang, clary, lavender - these are essential oils, most awesome while hair shedding mau. Jojoba oils are invested in while dandruff. If there's no jojoba oil, then you can replace it by another kind of one. You should spread this mix on your hair smoothly, cover head with a cap, leave for 40-90 a few moments, and then you may prefer to wash your hair.

- Go ahead and no allergy on red onion, then you can mix onion juice and honey in equal parts the opportunity to try rub in hair a half-hour before you wash your head. Use hair conditioners you and comb hair very carefully. You also can cut your hair shorter, so that renew an intensive development of stronger hair.

- Opportunity "onion" receipt: add onion peel to the oak rind decoction. Facial boil during 5 minutes. This receipt is very useful for greasy nice hair.

- Massage salt at the rear of head skin during 2-3 period, then wash hair with an all new shampoo.

What are other methods to Help to hair?

- During post-natal extend you too far take polyvitamins for infant mothers.

- Eat simpler salty, smoked and pickled dinner. It is easier to perceive this recommendation for qualified mothers: this is one of many conditions of a entre for nursing women, staving off baby's allergic reaction.

- Use hair-dryer seldom - heat deprives hair of moisture and makes the fragile. You should better produce turban of a wash cloth, and then allow locks dry naturally.

- Change combs more often, micro-cracks on them often are niches for replica of microbes that destruction head skin.


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