It's common advice to share with a women who is attempting to conceive or to become pregnant to hold her thighs and legs to her chest or even elevate her legs as well as hips after sex for approximately twenty minutes.   The explanation for this advice is it is assumed that the elevation in your own legs increases the angle that may force the sperm towards your cervix / reproductive tract and may allow less hard earning a living and viable sperm to flee.  

The other life, someone asked me if this practice would increase the likelihood of conceiving a girl and even boy baby.   Instantly, she wanted to know "if Ok , i'll get pregnant with a woman, would elevating my lower limbs after intercourse Help my odds or hurt all of them? "  I'll tell you whatever i told her in the following article.

Does Elevating Your Legs After Sex Really do Anything To Help Sometimes be tough Pregnant?:   The jury is still out now.   I suppose if the girls had a low sperm count or his sperm were compromised in for some reason, then it doesn't hurt site in order to every advantage or to try everything that you ought to.   The amount of semen found in a man's ejaculation varies because of many different factors, including the amount of time has passed since the prior ejaculation and the age or you will partner.  

Larger amounts is visible after longer periods awarded abstinence.   In cursory though, most men will emit between 1. 5 and the ones 5 milliliters. Typically ejaculate would contain 60 -80 million sperm chromosomes per ml.   So if your sweetheart (assuming he is healthy)  wasn't about average and imparted 2 milliliters, you'd have around 120 -160 million sperm fighting to satisfy your egg.   Re-decorating obviously an astronomical number so if you do not just had bad reach, elevating your legs may just be over kill, but as i said, it's an easy, off the hook, and noninvasive practice, therefore it certainly doesn't hurt to attempt.

So Does Elevating Clientele Legs / Hips  Increase The Odds Having Having A Little one Baby?:   Again, there's very limited documentation about this, but what you need to I think based the ways I know to be real about this topic.     Conventional wisdom and research tells us to use shallow penetration if we want to conceive a daughter and deep penetration after we want a son.  

The reason for this is the Y sperm chromosomes (boy producing) are less viable and enjoy shorter lived.   Coupled with deeper penetration, you're giving them an easier road as well as a shorter trip.   It appears that think that elevating in the legs falls into concern same category.   And I would also believe that the very severe girl sperm could survive and go toward your egg just fine without your needing to elevate your legs.

The bottom line for me would be so as to conceive a girl, you really don't wish to do this unless you're having some fertility issues.   Basically, this practice would not hurt you will still wanted a boy.

However, I firmly believe of the fact that practice alone wouldn't be enough to get you the gender that you would like.   You'd also need having time your conception during the letter (depending on for individuals that ovulate and which gender you want) and you'd must make your body / genitals more alkaline for a little kid conception and more  acidic associated with a girl one.



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