
Before you may want to choose a Maternity Care constantly ask yourself:

o Would you'll want to receive most of your pc ante and Postnatal Care the GP's surgery, and take in a hospital just once or twice to your Pregnancy, and then to give birth to your baby usually Consultant Unit? (This is called 'shared Care')

If you have a GP Unit at neighborhood Maternity hospital, your GP could have Care for you there the baby is born or when you find yourself looked after by a healthcare facility midwives.

Some GPs demand to book you for a home birth and to provide your main Maternity Care before, during in just the birth of childbirth. (However, you don't here is a GP cover you upon an home birth. A midwife could legal right and practical skills to take sole responsibility for that relating to Maternity Care provided unfortunately not complications arise. )

o Would you'll want to receive most of that relating to ante and Postnatal Care via a small team of midwives whom you can get to know and one of whom will Help allowing birth? (Most areas are now starting to organise midwives into teams so this needs to be a real option for each different individual. )

o Would you prefer receive Care from a residential area midwife who will upkeep you during your Pregnancy, go into hospital with you to Help you give birth as well as accompany you home with your baby countless afterwards?

This is known as the Domino scheme. It's not available everywhere; you need to ask your midwife or the Director of Maternity Services the local Maternity Unit about having this offers Care.

There are large amounts of hospital-based schemes running the previous which arrange for each expectant mothers Cared for by an effortless midwife. Ask if variety scheme is running at your hospital.

o Would you'll want to receive most of your Care regarding obstetricians at the location Maternity hospital and show up at antenatal clinics there even though receiving Postnatal Care towards the community midwives?

o You will too employ an independent midwife to Care giving you throughout your Pregnancy and labour until in a few days after your baby is born?



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