
As we mentioned in the past articles, infertility is thought as inability of a couple to get pregnant after 12 months of unprotected is sex. It effects over 5 million couples alone in the event U. S. and many times more across the nation. Because of unawareness utilizing treatments, only 10% take advice from Help from professional football team. We have spent and , sometimes in this series discussing the conventional and Chinese medicine in treating fertility. I believe, is best time to the actual subject by discussing the best way to treat female infertility invest the herb dang gui (dong quai).

I. Definition
Angelica is a biennial plant that is one of the family Apiaceae. It's root (angilica root) also known as dang qui or gong quai has been used in traditional Chinese medicine as becoming reproductive tonic medicine in addition , other herbs such as astragalus to look after exhaustion from blood dissapointment.

II. How angelica rationale (dang Qui) effects many women fertility
1. Reproductive organs tonic
Traditional Kinesiology views angelica roots as queen herb which used to enhance entire body productive system and dr menstrual health. It is said that angelica roots has the power to restore any deficiency caused by a hormone imbalance.

2. Blood tonic
It also is a reproductive blood tonic herb that not only Help to increase blood production to replace blood loss for to the people with heavy menstruation, it is equally increases the blood circulation of blood to abdominal region, leading to enhancing the chance of fertility.

3. Digestive system
Beside Helping to help remedy diarrhea, it also increases digestion of food in absorbing essential nutritional vitamins, thereby reducing the risks of infertility caused by produce deficiency.

4. Blood and qi deficiency
Blood and qi decrease of the reproductive region may originated from blood and qi stagnation of our own liver, kidney or some where in the body, causing irregular menstrual cycle, loss of period or painful stretch of time. Angelica roots Helps to increase blood and qi drip, resulting in normalizing the function of reproductive organs.

5. Kidney tonic
It is asserted that angelica root also Helps to improve kidney function not only in regulating water and substance through urinary extraction, it is equally improving kidney normal operate regulating the natural menstrual strategy the reproductive organs, resulting in increasing the chance of fertility.

6. Immune system
It is asserted that angelica root containing details chemicals that Help to strengthen resistant in fighting against particular fungus and inflammation, thereby decreasing the chance of yeast infection during menstruation along with forming of irregular cell rise in the reproductive organs.

III. Wing effects
1. it may present skin inflammation and scalp brekouts, if it is used in high dose
2. Since angelica sources uterus constraction, a young pregnant woman should not take it, unless with the pleasure of her herbalist.



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