Although the particular cause of premenstrual symptoms (PMS) is unknown, researchers do know that during PMS, hormone levels are fluctuating, estrogen levels are under at any other duration of the month. Whether low levels of these hormones circulating with the blood stream causes the "PMS blues" or if chemicals within brain are to blame is that it is investigated. As with many medical conditions, we may never understand specifically what causes PMS.
"But we all know we can't Help it... we don't even be aware of the cause... But as soon that part's over then comes the symptoms of menopause, " sings Dolly Parton from the song titled PMS doldrums. And, Dolly's right. We don't know the cause. And it, for many of our way of life, menopause is just just about to happen accompanied by hot flashes, more mood swings, gaining weight and decreased sex commute. Once menopause is experienced, we have increased health risks unique to post-menopausal persons. Is it really any wonder that i am depressed?
According to this is Cleveland Clinic Department to successfully Psychiatry and Psychology, women are doubly likely to become gloomy as men, due in part to PMS hormone levels and changing hormone levels that occur throughout a ladies life. Around 75% of all women deal with the PMS blues on a monthly basis. Some sources say this number is focused 85%. So, what is different in the direction of those lucky 15-25% that don't have PMS symptoms? Back again, no one knows, but chances are that a number of different factors are involved.
Stress, Diet and Exercise
Researchers have conducted numerous studies about the result of stress, nutrition, special diets and exercise on PMS symptoms, without arriving at any definite conclusions. The most that you could really say is are usually "sometimes" exercising Helps. "Sometimes" dietary changes Help and frequently supplementation with B-vitamins, calcium or e Help. The effect that any of these have on PMS alteration in hormones is unknown.
Relaxation techniques are recommended for a lot of different health conditions. The condition in which it appears most effective is PMS, according to a study that evaluated numerous other studies. Yoga and the relaxation response technique are often the most Helpful.
Yoga is good, but when a woman's schedule has already been full, time may be a question. Relaxation response is exactly what any woman, regardless of effectively, can practice every environment or numerous times a day. To achieve maximum degrees of relaxation 15-20 minutes of "quiet time" need to be made. It is a relaxation exercise that involves working on each muscle group of a typical body and purposefully rejuvenating those muscles, followed by inhalation deeply and exhaling completely whenever you say the word "one".
A complete description are available in the book The Freedom Response by Herbert Benson, MARYLAND. Focusing on breathing normally as a cure for the PMS blues is further supported by a study that indicated that symptoms similar to PMS are seen in patients with chronic hyperventilation.
If PMS hormone levels were not to blame for many the symptoms, then this, or the lack of the usb ports, may be. Serotonin is a compound that Helps to transmit signals among nerve endings within brain and body that is believed to play an important role in the regulation resulting from mood, sleep, sexuality as well as appetite. Studies have indicated women who suffer associated with the most severe form in the PMS blues (premenstrual dysphoric disorder) have 'abnormal' amounts of serotonin circulating within blood stream.
If you went to your doctor, because you were concerned about how PMS symptoms were affecting your health, your relationships, your industry, etc., he may have recommended or perhaps prescribed an anti-depressant called a Selective Serotonin Re-uptake Inhibitor and SSRI. You are probably more knowledgable about the brand names Celexa, Zoloft, Prozac and it Paxil.
Rather than focusing on changing PMS hormone search terms, these drugs focus on inducing the body to use serotonin better. Mostly because numerous side effects are associated with SSRI interest, researchers have investigated the result of natural substances used at body to create this, thus, increasing the levels of serotonin circulating in the preserve. So far, 5-HTP has yielded of utmost promising results. Some study participants visited even better results than they did by having an SSRI.
PMS Hormone Says: Low Estrogen
Because PMS hormone levels are a possible cause of the PMS blues, many doctors suggest low-dose birth control pills, which contain synthetic varieties the hormones estrogen and/or progesterone, to stabilize hormonal levels, prevent ovulation and thus eliminate most associated with PMS. Of course, these are not an option for women who seeking to become pregnant or cannot take birth control pills for other rationale.
Phytoestrogens are considered by many as being a natural substitute for synthetic hormones. Phytoestrogens are simply plant components that have an estrogen-like effect on the human body. Found in soy cocoa beans, red clover and other manure, researchers believe that in females who have less PMS symptoms along with also a diet high in soy and similar vegetables, phytoestrogens are responsible.
Relief from the PMS Blues
Soy isoflavones, red clover and 5-HTP are all available without a prescription. Herbal supplements including scarlet cohosh and sarsaparilla may Help remedy hormonal imbalances. If PMS hormone levels are accountable for the PMS blues, then they may Help and therefore are available without a drug. Researchers have not determined what it really compounds in black cohosh many sarsaparilla are active accompanied by effective, but they have figured they relieve symptoms among changing hormonal levels in several women. For more information about natural products that relieve PMS symptoms, please attend a Menopause and PMS Help.